What does "On God" mean?

5 Answers

On God - What Does The Term Mean?

On God - simply means that a person is telling the truth.

The phrase is similar to "I swear to God".

People can use the phrase in speech or conversation to enforce that they are telling the truth.

Looking Deeper At The Term

On God is a shortened version of "I swear on God", and its use on social media platforms has been popularised.

On social media platforms and texting the term On God is often further abbreviated to ONG.

Let's Look At An Example

Looking at an example of On God within a sentence:

"On God, I just saw three black cats cross the road."

*Question 1: Can you think of a synonym for On God?

*Answer in the Final Thought section

Final Thought

There are in most cases more appropriate ways to convey one's honesty. Look at the answer below for some ideas on synonyms for On God.

*Answer 1: For Real or No Lie

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I believe this l is meant to say “on guard”

Not “on god” - it means to be aware and watching. Alert. Protecting.

The life guards are on guard, ensuring the swimmers are safe.

On safari, I was on guard…watching carefully as a lion approached the car.

To keep a look out - guarding or protecting something.


Question: What does on god mean?

"on god" without caps (G)

🔆is the slang meaning for "no lie" or "for real" 🎈🔆emphasising something hard to believe is true.

🔆Can also can abbreviate as ONG 👍🏼

🤩Also a Similar Phrase to "I swear to God" ☄️

My Dad told me he'd pay for my trip to the USA. On god! 🌍

The phrase "on god" is popular in rap song lyrics 🎶and can also be used if you strongly agree with a statement or point of view (opinion).🪅


What does "On God" means?

"On God" means you are serous about something.

It shows that you are truthful and senecere about something.

It comes from "I swear on God".

Example 1: "On God, My mom just told me that I can have an iPAd fror christamas!"

Example 2:

Person 1:"I saw Henry buying the new PS5 game even though he said he doesn't have a PS5!"

Person 2: "Omg, really?"

Person 1: "On God!"

"On God" shows you being truthful about what you are saying


"On God" is a phrase used as a way to express sincerity or to emphasize the truth of something.

Here is a more detailed answer:

"On God" is a phrase that is often used as a way to express sincerity or to emphasize the truth of something. It is typically used in casual or informal speech, and is meant to convey that the speaker is speaking truthfully and sincerely. The phrase is believed to have originated in African American Vernacular English, and is commonly used by young people.

Here are a few usage examples to help you better understand this expression:

  • "I'm telling you, on God, I didn't touch your cookie."

  • "On God, I'm not even joking – that really happened."

  • "I promise you, on God, I'll be there at 6pm sharp."

  • "On God, I'll never eat sushi again – it was gross."

Here are a few multiple choice questions to help you practice using this expression:

  1. What is "on God" a phrase used for?

    a) A way to express sincerity or to emphasize the truth of something

    b) A way to express insincerity or to question the truth of something

    c) A way to express boredom or lack of interest in something

    d) A way to express surprise or shock about something

Answer: a) A way to express sincerity or to emphasize the truth of something

  1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the phrase "on God"?

    a) Typically used in casual or informal speech

    b) Meant to convey that the speaker is speaking truthfully and sincerely

    c) Believed to have originated in African American Vernacular English

    d) Commonly used by young people e) None of the above

Answer: e) None of the above

  1. Is the phrase "on God" typically used to express insincerity or to question the truth of something?

    a) Yes

    b) No

Answer: b) No

  1. Is the phrase "on God" commonly used by young people?

    a) Yes

    b) No

Answer: a) Yes


"On God" is a phrase that is often used as a way to express sincerity or to emphasize the truth of something. It is typically used in casual or informal speech, and is meant to convey that the speaker is speaking truthfully and sincerely. The phrase is believed to have originated in African American Vernacular English, and is commonly used by young people.
