Hi, i'm Ken.
I am the only teacher here who can teach you Japanese in fluent English.
In order to speak Japanese like native speakers, you need to find a guy who is trilingual first, don't you?
⦿Bachelor’s degree with a major in Japanese of Soo-Chow University. GPA 4.0
⦿International exchange student in University of Tsukuba
⦿Work experiences in the biggest Japanese gym group in Tokyo
⦿Have trained many Japanese clients in Japanese and got well reviewed
⦿Passed JLPT N1 with 143 points (including full points in listening) and TOEIC with 885 points
⦿Japanese Department debate competition winner in junior group
⦿Experiences in simultaneous interpreting
⦿Leader of student association of Japanese Department
Certifications in sports:
⦾NASM-CPT Personal trainer
⦾ITI-CKC Kettlebell coach
⦾TRX-FTC Functional trainer
⦾GMS Kinesiology certified
⦾EMT-1 Emergency medical technician
What is the most ideal Japanese teacher for a English speaker?
A Japanese?
Well, even in Tokyo University, the best university in Japan, the professors there who are lecturing in English, you might not understand their English because of their accents.
So just don't bother yourself! Who you'll need is ME.
You can check out my video CV and you'll find out that I'm not lying.
To be frankly, my lessons are very harsh. But you'll learn a lot of stuff that any other Japanese teacher CAN'T teach you.
The reason is simple.
Because, I'm just like you, I was NOT born as a Japanese.
I started from zero, just like you do.
But eventually, I've nearly reached the native speaker level.
Want to know my secret?
The point is all about your "INTENTION".
Do you really LIKE Japan? And why is that?
Do you really admire their cultures? And what is it? Because they jump off train platforms every damn day?
And most importantly, what do you gonna do after learning Japanese?
Kindly share your thoughts with me,
And I'll lead the way for you,
To this beautiful country and their language.
IG: yamayama.gym
FB: https://www.facebook.com/yamayamagym
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrZHshQEtJ5NaIOHWa30_vQ
Besides Japanese education, I'll also upload contents about weight training and cooking. too!
So please stay tuned for my upcoming updates! See you in the classroom.