Patient and Enthusiastic Teacher

I'm a student and I've been taking Mandarin classes with Ling on AT for almost a year now. I decided to take up this challenge because I was excited about learning a new language and exploring a new culture. And I have to say that my experience with Ling has been nothing but fantastic.

Ling is a very patient and enthusiastic teacher. She always encourages her students to speak as much as they can and is always ready to explain any grammar rules and vocabulary in detail. Her passion for teaching Mandarin is evident in every class, and this has motivated me to keep going and learning as much as I can.

The classes consist of her sharing her screen with me while we use online resources to help with learning. I found that Ling's teaching style is very balanced, with an equal emphasis on speaking, reading, writing, and listening, which has helped me learn the language more effectively. Some lessons involve conversations over common topics, while others are focused on cultural aspects of China.

One of the best things that I love about Ling's classes is that she always gives me feedback and tips on how to improve my pronunciation and grammar. Also, she helps me practice using the vocabulary and phrases in different contexts, making the learning experience fun and exciting.

In addition, Ling's rich knowledge of not just the language, but Chinese culture has been an added benefit for me. As someone who is fascinated by the customs and traditions of China, Ling has gone above and beyond to introduce them to me, helping me understand not just words but the meaning and nuances behind them.

To sum it up, I'm so grateful to have found Ling as my teacher at AT. Her teaching and passion for the language have given me the confidence to speak Mandarin in day-to-day life. I'm confident that with Ling's guidance, I'll be able to speak Mandarin fluently soon. Thank you, Ling!

Les professeurs

/ 50 min
/ Cours d'essai
anglaisC1 Avancé
anglaisC1 Avancé
chinois de PékinNatif
👨🏼‍💼 國家教師資格證/高級中學英語教師資格證 🏆 CTCSOL國際中文教師證(國家漢辦頒發,國外孔子學院任教資格) 🏆中外語言交流合作中心認證 📈100%好評導師 🚩 教授中文寫作、閱讀理解、課業輔導、日常會話、旅遊會話、拼音認字、成人商務、Gapsk等级考试、HSK考試等課程 ——————🌞 教學風格特色 🌞—————— 超多的互動對話環節,主題貼近生活,实用、轻松的情景对话让您学有所用,快速提升自信心 課堂氛圍輕鬆愉快,即使是有點害羞的你也會在耐心引導中慢慢乐于开口練習 老师的肯定和鼓勵,讓您和小朋友在普通话的学习道路上获得成就感,從而逐漸地愛上说普通话。 根據學生的需求佈置家庭作業,並隨時跟蹤給出指導。
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1 avis

  • It's my fortune to meet Ming on AT. He is very polite, hard working and thoughtful. He is talent to learn a new language, especially on speaking and writing.