Mandarin Chinese with Ling!

I recently had the pleasure of taking Mandarin Chinese classes with Ling, and I can confidently say that she is one of the best teachers I have ever had. I have taken over 40 classes with her so far, and I have learned so much in such a short period of time.

One of the things that sets Ling apart from other teachers is her approach to teaching. She takes the time to personalize each lesson according to the level and needs of each student. This has been extremely helpful, as I was able to focus on my individual needs and strengths while learning a new language. Furthermore, her teaching style is engaging, challenging, and effective. She uses a mix of traditional and modern teaching methods, incorporating fun games and interactive activities to make learning more enjoyable.

Another thing that I appreciated about Ling was her patience and willingness to help. Learning a new language can be overwhelming, but she always took the time to explain concepts and review materials. She ensured that everyone understood the topic before continuing, and provided additional resources and practice exercises to help reinforce the lessons.

In addition to her teaching, Ling's personality and professionalism were outstanding. She was always punctual, well-prepared, and enthusiastic. Her positive attitude made learning a new language feel less daunting, and she created a warm and welcoming environment in her classroom. Her friendly demeanor made her approachable and easy to talk to, and I always felt comfortable asking questions or for additional help.

Overall, I cannot recommend Ling enough to anyone looking to learn Mandarin Chinese. She is an exceptional teacher who goes above and beyond to ensure that her students succeed. Her approach to teaching is personalized and effective, and her personality and professionalism make her a joy to work with. Taking Mandarin Chinese classes with her was not only educational but also enjoyable and fulfilling.

In conclusion, Ling is a phenomenal teacher who has helped me improve my Mandarin Chinese proficiency immensely. I am grateful for all of the knowledge and skills she has imparted, and confident that her teaching will leave a lasting impact on all of her students. If you are considering taking Mandarin Chinese classes, I highly encourage you to choose Ling as your teacher, you won't be disappointed!


Ling的教学方法与众不同,她可以根据每个学生的水平和需求,定制个性化的课程。这对于我来说非常有帮助,我可以在学习新语言的同时重点关注自己的个人强项和需求。此外,她的教学方式生动有趣,具有挑战性和高效性,运用传统与现代教学方法相结合, 通过趣味游戏和互动活动使学习更加有趣。




Ce qui distingue Ling des autres enseignants, est son approche de enseignement. Elle prend le temps de personnaliser chaque leçon en fonction du niveau et des besoins de chaque élève. Cela a été extrêmement utile, car j'ai pu me concentrer sur mes besoins individuels et mes points forts tout en apprenant une nouvelle langue. En outre, son style enseignement est captivant, stimulant et efficace. Elle utilise une combinaison de méthodes enseignement traditionnelles et modernes, en intégrant des jeux amusants et des activités interactives pour rendre apprentissage plus agréable.

Une autre chose que jai appréciée chez Ling,est sa patience et sa volonté. Apprendre une nouvelle langue peut être accablant, mais elle a toujours pris le temps expliquer les concepts et de revoir les matériels. Elle a veillé à ce que tout le monde comprenne le sujet avant de continuer, et a fourni des ressources supplémentaires et des exercices de pratique pour renforcer les leçons.

En plus de son enseignement, la personnalité et le professionnalisme de Lin étaient exceptionnels. Elle était toujours ponctuelle, bien préparée et enthousiaste. Son attitude positive rendait apprentissage une nouvelle langue moins intimidant, et elle créait un environnement chaleureux et accueillant dans sa salle de classe. Sa personnalité amicale la rendait accessible et facile à parler, et je me sentais toujours à aise de poser des questions ou de demander une aide supplémentaire.

Les professeurs

/ 50 min
/ Cours d'essai
anglaisC1 Avancé
anglaisC1 Avancé
chinois de PékinNatif
👨🏼‍💼 國家教師資格證/高級中學英語教師資格證 🏆 CTCSOL國際中文教師證(國家漢辦頒發,國外孔子學院任教資格) 🏆中外語言交流合作中心認證 📈100%好評導師 🚩 教授中文寫作、閱讀理解、課業輔導、日常會話、旅遊會話、拼音認字、成人商務、Gapsk等级考试、HSK考試等課程 ——————🌞 教學風格特色 🌞—————— 超多的互動對話環節,主題貼近生活,实用、轻松的情景对话让您学有所用,快速提升自信心 課堂氛圍輕鬆愉快,即使是有點害羞的你也會在耐心引導中慢慢乐于开口練習 老师的肯定和鼓勵,讓您和小朋友在普通话的学习道路上获得成就感,從而逐漸地愛上说普通话。 根據學生的需求佈置家庭作業,並隨時跟蹤給出指導。
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1 avis

  • Hi Ming, I am deeply touched by your sincere words. I didn't expect you to write your study story in three languages, haha. I am lucky to be your Mandarin Chinese teacher. You are very smart and you learn very fast. I hope you can achieve your goals soon.